In a joint statement, cybersecurity agencies from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand, collectively known as the Five Eyes intelligence alliance, have issued a grave warning about Chinese hackers targeting critical infrastructure in the United States, including sectors such as energy, transportation, and finance.

The hackers, suspected to be affiliated with the Chinese government, have been employing various sophisticated techniques to infiltrate systems, such as employing phishing emails, exploiting software vulnerabilities, and utilizing social engineering tactics. Once inside the targeted systems, the hackers possess the ability to pilfer sensitive data, implant malicious software, or disrupt essential operations.

To counter this emerging threat, the Five Eyes agencies are urgently advising organizations in both the United States and Canada to remain vigilant and implement robust security measures to safeguard their systems against potential breaches. The gravity of the situation underscores the pressing need for businesses and governments worldwide to prioritize cybersecurity and stay informed about the latest threats.